
Up & Under Fest 2018

Up & Under Fest


Announcing Up & Under Fest 2018! Join Chicago Market and Uptown United for the first-ever community event at The Wilson Underline! Enter at the southwest corner of Wilson & Broadway, under the L next to the Wilson stop on the Red/Purple Line.

We’re bringing back our Pop-Up Markets with some of the region’s finest growers and producers — PLUS, live bands, kids activities, Uptown and local businesses, wellness activities, tours of the future Chicago Market Co-op location and MORE! Grocery vendors align with Chicago Market’s Purchasing Values. 

Vendor and soundstage lineups to be announced soon! 


New Owners are automatically entered to win a raffle prize to be drawn at the event. We must reach 2,000 Owners by the end of the year to fund the buildout of our store, so we need your support *today*!! If you’re not yet an Owner, join us now!


Come experience the community and the best of local food! An optional gate donation of $10 is suggested. As a first-time event, your RSVP is much appreciated! Proceeds after festival expenses to benefit Chicago Market and Wilson Underline programming.

Come join this community festival to meet and mingle with fellow Owners, celebrate the accomplishments of our community-owned organization, and learn about opportunities to participate in our path forward toward opening our grocery store doors.

Want to bring a friend? The more the merrier! Our first 1,270+ Owners is just the beginning of our community - we’re must grow our Ownership to 2,000 Owners by the end of 2018! 


Take the train! Red and Purple lines both stop at Wilson - get off there, exit the main station and make two tight lefts and you're there. 

If you drive, there is free parking in the Truman College parking building, right next to our Fest. 

Here is the event space on a map:


The WILSON UNDERLINE seeks to provide the newly renovated CTA Wilson Station with a dynamic public space dedicated to the Uptown neighborhood by providing opportunities for collaborative community programming and creative public engagement; a space that draws the community together and enriches the Wilson Station project from the ground up. Read more and subscribe for updates.

September 15, 2018 at 2:00pm - 6pm
The Wilson Underline
4620 N Broadway
Chicago, IL 60640
United States
Google map and directions
Adam Davidowitz Christie Lacey Daniel Ramos Matt Brueggeman Melissa Ocon Mark Dawson Susanne Suffredin Jason Harris Larry Hec Richard Thale Brad Hartig Malcolm Haar Tony Minestra Mark Tweedy Lynn Vance John D’Emilio Ivy Glennon Diana Reed richard Clough Delphine Whittlesey Mark Holzman Bernie Heidkamp Robin Feltman Brad Krillenberger Troy Cam Jenn Splinter Dan Wheeler Chris Ahearn Andrea Toro Lora Goodrich Joseph Fedorko Chandra D Charles Helm Dr Damita LaArue Wood Turner Jess Lynch susan boeman Sandra Mazlagic Connie Prater rebecca spivack Jessica Droeger Steve Mendelsohn Jackie Taylor John Lee erin borreson Trish Downs Brandon Greene Jacqualine Jarju

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