
Online Workshop: Urban Landscaping 101 with Bridget Walsh

Join us for a fun and informative online session with Bridget Walsh, City Grange's "Lady of Landscaping," on small-space landscaping and incorporating native and pollinator plants into containers.

Bridget will discuss what you need to know to assess your site, select the perfect plants, and more for your upcoming landscape projects.

This online session is free to attend, but your $10 suggested donation helps support local businesses Chicago Market and City Grange. After you click "Send RSVP" below, an optional donation page will appear right below the confirmation text if you'd like to support us.

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About our presenter: A landscape designer and artist, Bridget likes to get personal with her designs by hand drawing them whenever possible. An advocate for organic and sustainable landscape practices, she can transform any space into an oasis that is as functional as it is breathtaking. Bridget currently serves as Landscape Designer and Operational Lead for City Grange, a revolutionary destination garden center that teaches, inspires, and empowers today’s urban gardeners.

April 27, 2021 at 7:00pm - 8pm
Zoom (link will be sent in advance to attendees)
Marcella Doyle Sarah Howells Ray Torralba Grant Davidson Becky Reimer John Law Paige Worthy Kathryn Lake Allison Mark Jerrad Langlois Sara Bafundo Fehintola Alao Carlos Martinez Amanda Fieldman Simone Morris Angela Bowman Matt Leung Cheri Dolliver Dana McKinney Rick Sherwood Laura Sherman Besan Bannasch Caleb McAndrew Elizabeth Forest Jackie Tanaka Eric Sullivan Carles Figuerola Erana JacksonTaylor Egle Milavickas Terrence Kiely James Gignac

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