
Chicago Market 2024 Annual Meeting

Our 2024 in-person Annual Owners Meeting will cover many important topics of interest to all Chicago Market Owners. We highly encourage ALL Owners to attend. Chicago Market household Owners are also welcome to attend—please RSVP below!

We'll give year-end fiscal and construction status updates, introduce candidates for the Board of Directors, and host a sustainability conversation between our GM, Dan Arnett, and our Board member John Law, who prepared an in-depth report about sustainability opportunities in construction and store operation.

Board members, Board candidates, and General Manager Dan Arnett will be on hand to answer questions before, during, and after the meeting. And, of course, you can reach out to us anytime by email at [email protected].

This is YOUR Co-op. As an Owner, please be involved, join the conversation, and come meet your fellow Owners. 

Schedule of Events:

1:30pm: Doors open for pre-meeting info tables and Q&A
2:00pm–3:30pm: Annual Meeting
3:30pm–4:00pm: Additional Q&A and info table time
4:30–6:00pm: Optional post-meeting social gathering (cash bar; 2Bears Tavern Uptown, 1140 W. Wilson)

Info tables, sips, and small bites from: Blooming Baker, Candid Wines, Chicago Cane Cooperative, Chicago Fair Trade, Collective Resource Compost Cooperative, Metropolis Coffee, Prairie Fruits Farm and Creamery, Rebuilding Exchange.


Our Annual Meeting is an Owner-only event. If you'd like to attend, simply become an Owner before September 22!


About John Law

John Law, AICP, ASLA, is an urban designer and landscape architect with almost 20 years of global experience and demonstrated leadership in transforming cities into more equitable, sustainable, and productive places. 

September 22, 2024 at 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Chicago Market
4620 N Broadway
Chicago, IL 60640
United States
Google map and directions
Scott Madden Robert Kunze Darren Polito Dana McKinney Jake Wood Barb Lange Colette Gabriel Jonathan Schwart Sarah Hummel Joel Garcia Nelson Borelli Elizabeth Rochford Janet Gerske Matthew Ruffi Maribelle Gomez Donna Curtin Ray Dybzinski Stephen Marlow Victor Corder Gabby Plotkin Andie Yancey Kevin Jackson Leah Robinson Nancy Demuth brian haag Katherine Bissell Cordova Xinjiang Shao Dighe Tesfagergish Ruth Kurczewski Michael Sukowski Wendy Anderhous Karen Schneider Hannah Perron James Gignac Will Wong Scott Cummings Rachel McIntyre Jack Cruikshank Grant Kessler

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