
Pop-Up Book Sale + Book Donation Drop-Off

Join us for a pop-up book sale and bring some books to donate, too! Chicago Market is proud to partner with Open Books, a nonprofit that provides literacy experiences for tens of thousands of readers each year through inspiring programs and the sale of new and used donated books.

We'll also be joined by flower vendor Planks & Pistils and the Everybody's Coffee bicycle coffee cart (see it in action below!). Plus, our SHOP team will have items for sale on the spot.

So round up any books you'd like to donate and come join us for a fun summertime pop-up market!

If you RSVP below we'll send you a friendly reminder, but it's not necessary. Come by and see us anytime between the hours of 11:00am and 3:00pm on Sunday, August 15th.

August 15, 2021 at 11:00am - 3pm
Chicago Market
4620 N Broadway
Chicago, IL 60640
United States
Google map and directions
Becca Warren Kelly Kowal Matthew Zhou Bill Gee Grace Evans Mike King Melinda Deamon Maureen King Kathleen Bergeron Pam Nosse Phil Circle Emilie Puttrich Samantha Sainsbury Nick Lush Matthew Ruffi Meghan Foley Helen Harrison James Gignac

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