
Chicago Market 2017 Annual Owners Meeting


Chicago Market's third Annual Owners Meeting is on Thursday, July 20th from  6-8 p.m. at the Ravenswood Event Center  (4025 N. Ravenswood Ave). We're excited to bring  our community together, share our progress and see and hear from our Owners. All Owners and their household members are welcome -- please RSVP below!

You'll hear an update on Chicago Market's progress from Board President, Grant Kessler, as well as updates on finances and site selection. We'll provide an overview of our  upcoming Owner Loan Campaign, a critical step toward our store opening. We'll introduce the new and incumbent candidates for the Board of Directors and talk about our voting process.

After updates from the various teams, we want to hear from you! Our current Board members will be present to answer any questions during the Q&A, but of course you can reach out to us at any time at [email protected].

Help us keep Chicago Market growing, and join us as we celebrate what we've created together and plan for the future.

July 20, 2017 at 6:00pm - 8pm
Ravenswood Event Center
4025 N Ravenswood
Chicago, IL 60613
United States
Google map and directions
Emily Crespo ·
Carolyn Kessler Lisa Wieczorek Yanira Doyle Laura Pinsof Malcolm Haar Dan Miller Catherine Schwalbe Gregory Berlowitz Grant Kessler Anthony Todd Emily Crespo Reuven Solomon Karen Jacobs Adam Davidowitz Karen Hoftey Jim Doyle Peggy Gelman Seth Hemming Maria Rasche Julie Solomon Marissa Miller Sarah Brotherton Alex Koppel Jim Glynn Colette Adams Xuan Nguyen Katie Lopes Pamela Martinez Christopher Bakker Therese Reardon Mary Nagle Ross Outten Mike Mayer Florian Burfeind Sara Rodites Kelly Hewitt John Kessler Jen Vest Rachel Mayer Ankit Mehta I’Talia McCarthy Hank Rouse Dana Ziebel Suzanne Blaz Adam David John Dillon jean Farley brown Simone Morris

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