
Chicago Market's Cookies & Co-ops - Holiday Cookie Decorating


Come and decorate holiday cookies with Chicago Market! We've got sugar cookies made with local flour from Hazzard Free Farm, and lots of icing and sprinkles to yum them up. Bring a kid, bring a friend, decorate a plate of delicious and pretty holiday treats to keep or donate to a local food shelter, and meet co-op Owners & volunteers.

We can answer your questions about the community-owned, co-operative grocery store we're organizing to build on Chicago's north side. What's a co-op? Why should you become an Owner? How do co-ops make our community stronger and support sustainable, healthy farms and food for all?

The event is free but we do need you to RSVP so we can plan for the fun. RSVP here and share with your friends -- we're celebrating our #CoopLove this holiday season and we want you to join our honest food community!

December 10, 2016 at 10:30am - 12:30pm
The home of Karen and Andy Jacobs
4926 N Hoyne Ave
Chicago, IL 60625
United States
Google map and directions
Emily Crespo ·
Reuven Solomon Lakshmi Gurram Linda Haney Bill Petty Daniel Becco Marilyn Varn Gregory Berlowitz Ella Revzin Emily Crespo Deborah Hess Jen Vest Karen Jacobs

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