
Online Workshop: Container Gardening In the City

Are you interested in growing your own food at home? Tune in to Chicago Market's online workshop with Kasey Eaves, owner of Vivant Gardening Services, who will be giving us tips and tricks on growing your own edible plants in containers and window boxes.

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Our presenter, Kasey Bersett Eaves, Owner #70, started growing edibles and her treasured sunflowers at age two on family farm property in southern Illinois. As owner of Vivant Gardening Services, she spends her days gardening with edibles, natives, and pollinator plants approachable to area residents, restaurants, schools, and more. Never daunted by the task of growing in a city’s unusual spaces, Kasey loves finding creative and easily maintained growing solutions for city dwellers.

May 28, 2020 at 8:00pm - 9pm
Zoom (link will be sent in advance to attendees)
Chicago, IL
United States
Google map and directions
Matt Ryan Jennifer Dahl Norma Claire Moruzzi Nat Duran Sarah Bergman Barbara Passman Glenn carlos Tom Ledford vicky rozich Mary Beth Johnson Mark Schaffner Jackie Tanaka Ronald Samuels Mary Senn Erin Stanfill Leonard Rau Annette Bellezzo Jill Pollack Antonio Fuller Kate Polgar Sana Syed Pilar Mercado Fuller Dana McKinney Carson Schroeder Beth Ann Barbieri Rebecca Sutter Jessica Landis Sital Sathia Rebecca Amato Julie Solomon Beth Foos Sue Perdomo Michael Sukowski Fran McGee Marcella Doyle Kate Grimm Becky Reimer Julia Glick Kirstin Safakas Alexandra Becker Ellie Kerpan Melody Fevrier Meghan Filizola Matteo Cortese Abby Boler Caroline Williams Bob Joynt Tanya Renelt

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