
Online Workshop: Cooking with Hazzard Free Farm

Join us for an online interactive cooking workshop with Andrea (Andy) Hazzard of Hazzard Free Farm! Andy will demonstrate recipes using contents of the Hazzard Free Grain Sampler box recently sold in partnership with Chicago Market.

Here's what to have on hand if you'd like to follow along live with Andy's cornbread and crisp recipes:

Cornbread: fine cornmeal (1.5 cups); coarse cornmeal (.5 cup); brown or white sugar (.5 cup); baking soda (1 tsp); baking powder (.5 tsp); salt (.5 tsp); eggs (1); milk or buttermilk (1 cup); olive oil or corn oil (.25 cups); 8x8 pan or 9” oven proof skillet; measuring cups and spoons, large bowl, whisk, spatula.

Crisp: oats (2 cups); flour (1 cup); sugar (.5 cup); salt (.5 tsp); cinnamon or all spice (1-2 tsp); butter (1 stick); apples with skin on or other fruit (4 cups); 8x8 or 9x12 pan or 8”/9” oven proof skillet.

This event is free to attend, but your $10 suggested donation helps support local farms and businesses, Hazzard Free Farm and Chicago Market. After you click "Send RSVP" below, an optional donation page will appear right below the confirmation text if you'd like to support us.

You can read more about Andy on our blog channel here!

RSVP and join us on October 15th!

October 15, 2020 at 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Zoom (link will be sent in advance to attendees)
Chicago, IL
United States
Google map and directions
Dana McKinney Michelle Schutz Jonathan Hertel Rebecca Amato Caren Evers Cheri Heramb Sarah Grimm Annette Mambuca Sofia Jouravel Felix Markman Matthew Ruffi Kate Grimm James Gignac

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