
Online Workshop: Growing Herbs Indoors with Kasey Eaves

Back by popular demand is Kasey Eaves, owner of Vivant Gardening Services! Want to savor the flavors of your favorite herbs all year long and add some life to your home with an indoor herb garden? Kasey will introduce us to the best practices and common pitfalls of growing indoors. Learn which windows will provide the best light, how to supplement your plants' needs in winter, what pests and diseases to watch out for, and more...

No equipment or materials required. If attendees have any questions about soil, pots, or specific herbs, you can have items handy to show Kasey in the Q&A portion of the event.

This event is free to attend, but your $10 suggested donation helps further the mission of local businesses, Vivant Gardening Services and Chicago Market. After you click "Send RSVP" below, an optional donation page will appear right below the confirmation text if you'd like to support us!

RSVP and let's get growing!

Our presenter, Kasey Bersett Eaves, Owner #70, started growing edibles and her treasured sunflowers at age two on family farm property in southern Illinois. As owner of Vivant Gardening Services, she spends her days gardening with edibles, natives, and pollinator plants approachable to area residents, restaurants, schools, and more. Never daunted by the task of growing in a city’s unusual spaces, Kasey loves finding creative and easily maintained growing solutions for city dwellers.

September 29, 2020 at 7:00pm - 8pm
Zoom (link will be sent in advance to attendees)
Claire Thomas Gina C Daniel Moss Toni Rathers Tony Neuhoff Katie Mehrtens Diane Shaughnessy Amanda Belle Lauren Thomas West Julia Maness Abby Boler Chandra Ram Jason Harris Craig Foley Joseph Fedorko Marcella Doyle Emilie Puttrich Michael Johnson Susanne Rott Bonny Davidson Dana McKinney Caren Evers John Morrison Matt Leung Kate Grimm Ellen Domke Scott Cummings Sarah Grimm Lori Watts-Branch Victor Ramirez Mackenzie Heinze Donna Janovsky Vanessa Montesdeoca Sandy Spiegel Cheri Heramb Jodie Eason Tom Sterner James Burns Tanya Renelt Joey Allaire Sunjay Kumar Deborah Mann Rosalind Morris Michael Boyd James Gignac

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