
Owners-Only Site News Meeting


Join our Owners-only meeting to learn more about our bid for a potential location and to share your input. 
In this closed meeting, Owners will be the first to hear from the elected Board and Site teams about this space, the RFP process, and the other sites that we’re still pursuing. We want to hear from all Owners, gathering your input and answering questions. We will need YOUR help to make this site a possibility, so we'll share how Owners can help impact the decision and support the efforts to pursue this space.  
The gorgeous Beaux-Arts-style Wilson CTA Red Line station (aka the Gerber Building) was designed by architect Arthur U. Gerber in 1907, and was considered to be the hub to the north side's renowned entertainment district during the Jazz Age. Now, as part of a $203 million CTA restoration which moves the train station across the street, we are ready to take advantage of this one-time-opportunity to make this historic blue-speckled terra cotta building Chicago Market's home. We love this space for its accessibility, its unique history, its size, and its ability to deliver on our mission to create a local, sustainable and connected food community.
As we enter our bid for this beautiful building, competing against national fast food stores and other chains with deep pockets, we need your show of support more than ever. 
Please RSVP to attend. This pursuit will be a huge undertaking, gathering Owner and community support. If you’d like to volunteer your time, talents or help make connections, sign up at the meeting or email us at [email protected]
Last, we've put together a petition of support to show the CTA how many people want a great, locally-owned grocery store to open in this space. Please add your name here.
Will you join us Tuesday? RSVP below!
PS: All Owners received an email invitation to this meeting on Thursday, April 13.  If you did not receive it, please email us at [email protected] to have your subscription preferences or email address updated.
April 18, 2017 at 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Uptown Branch meeting room, Chicago Public Library
929 W Buena Ave
Chicago, IL 60613
United States
Google map and directions
Jen Vest

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