
Weekly Update, 1/25-1/31


Here's a quick update on what our Chicago Market teams have been doing this past week:

Here are links to past weekly updates:




Year in Review

The Board held its monthly meeting. Discussions included site selection and the continuation of the contract of our Funding Director. The Board also elected Esther Dairiam as its new Treasurer.

Chicago Market representatives attended the Northcenter CSA information night.

The Funding Team had productive meetings with potential lenders. 

Members of the Grocery Logistics and Procurement team and others toured Metropolitan Farms, an aquaponic farm in Garfield Park. 

Members of our marketing, events, content and recruitment teams met to make plans for the upcoming co-op pop-uup event. 

The Site Selection team is surveying TIF districts in our area to see if there are any buildings in those districts that fit our criteria. 

The Design team finalized content for February's newsletter. 




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