
Sign your name to support bringing Chicago Market to the Wilson CTA

Wilson Station Northwest Wilson and Broadway View

It’s with tremendous excitement that we are pursuing the retail space at the CTA Wilson Red Line station, aka the Gerber Building. We entered our bid for this beautiful building, competing against national fast food stores and other chains with deep pockets, we need your show of support more than ever. We're waiting to hear the results of our bid and hope to be able to move forward soon.
One of a few prospective sites for Chicago Market’s future home, and a rich part of Uptown history, the building was designed by architect Arthur U. Gerber in 1907, and is part of the CTA’s $203 million restoration and transit improvement project. We love this space for its accessibility, its unique history, its size, and its ability to deliver on our mission to create a local, sustainable and connected food community.
Please sign your name to our petition of community support.  We will need our Owners’ and the community’s rallying to make this future home a possibility. Please share this link with your family and friends, neighborhood groups, alderman, chambers and favorite local businesses. We submitted our bid on June 9, 2017, but we are still looking for your support to show the CTA and the city and potential lenders that we have wide community support.
For more information, we invite you to join our public community meetings and watch our website and Facebook pages for additional details. Interested to volunteer or connect with us?  Email us at [email protected]

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GOAL: 3,000 signatures

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