
April 2020 Newsletter

Chicago Market Newsletter - April 2020

Project Updates

We shared some important site and project news with you earlier this week. If you missed it in your email, read here for the full story. We've been heartened by the outpouring of continued support for the project. Here are a couple replies. 
"Thank you all for this update, and for staying the course. I really appreciate everything you are doing. I’m glad to hear that the CTA was not too ready to let us go."     - Angela

"Thank you so much for the candid update!  And thanks, also, for your comment about improving communication. In my mind, as a lender: this is an entrepreneurial venture, and therefore comes with risk. I knew that going in - that there are things we would learn along the way that are obstacles. So: risk isn’t a problem. Lack of transparency is, and I’m glad you acknowledged it and we can improve on that. (Even if transparency is sometimes without all the details, if the timing isn’t appropriate, there can sometimes be communication that says exactly that.)"     - Michelle
And we know you have questions, so be sure to read our just published Q&A.

There is a lot to learn from the Covid-19 crisis but one thing is clear - there is incredible value and security in a resilient local foodshed that provides safe, healthy food via a short, simple supply chain. That network will grow stronger by the work we, the Chicago Market community, are doing to open a co-op. 

Now's the time for us to pull together - be PROUD that you're building a co-op in this moment! 


Other News 

What's so special about co-ops? So much, but for one thing, they follow the Seven Cooperative Principles and Principle #7 is Concern for Community. We are so proud of our friends at both the Dill Pickle and the Sugar Beet during this difficult time. They are open and serving their communities with great local food! They're practicing safe shopping measures including curbside pickup, implementing increased pay for their employees, adapting inventory and more. Read about the Dill Pickle's measures here and Sugar Beet's here. And go shop and support them!

We launched our Shop Local directory this week and it's been a huge hit! Farmers report good response to it so keep shopping local through this resource! When you shop local you are showing your Concern for Community, getting delicious food, AND proving that a local, resilient food system is more important than ever!

And thanks to all the Owners who've sent us farms and local businesses to add - we've kept the pages updated. If you know someone who should be there, send us a note.


Thanks For Your Service! 

We're incredibly grateful for the commitment Kristin Hettich, Sebastian Rojas and Greg Berlowitz gave their Co-op as Board members. We're sorry to see them have to step down from the Board recently, but we're better for having had them leading. We're especially thankful to Greg who founded Chicago Market. He started an amazing thing, put a lot of years of volunteering into it, and our community owes him a great debt of gratitude. 


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How Can You Support Your Co-op Now?

While the Board continues to work with the CTA and our consultants on the operational side of things, Owners can help with the Funding and Organizational side by Leveling Up your Ownership to the Cultivating level; donating or pledging a loan; volunteering or considering a Board position; and by sharing your enthusiasm for your Co-op with your friends and on social media.

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